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I believe Undone has said the spawn system is dynamic and some of the named have placeholders that can spawn in several places. So it might not be feasible for a single group to camp and maintain a stranglehold on a single named enemy.
I mentioned this in the discord server, but not knowing a lot of the lore or other plans for the zones, questlines, etc... it's really difficult to come up with names that actually fit the lore. Unless you're planning on taking some inspiration from the names suggested and incorporate them into...
Some of the maps can't be fully revealed yet. Dungeons don't have maps, so it would have to be player created. I imagine someone will datamine the zones and create maps from them at some point if the game gets popular enough.
No, you don't need any gathering professions if you rely on others to supply refined materials for weaponsmithing. You can pick up a crafting tradeskill at the third ember ring. The second ember ring has the gathering tradeskills.
I dipped into a crafting class today, but was disappointed I couldn't see how many Threads I would need to craft some of the Leather armor unless I already had Threads in my inventory. If you're trying to buy some threads off someone else in order to craft some gear, you can't know how many you...