Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Mynno

    Entry impression

    You need to get in a guild so you can have a regular group to run with. Most groups are more than happy to have a dedicated healer who is not wasting all their stamina trying to fight but holding it back for the healing that needs to be done. A dedicated healer is the difference between a...
  2. Mynno

    Helpful tips for beginning players

    Another bump because we seem to be picking up more new players now. :D
  3. Mynno

    Stormhaven Studios Press Release 10.29.24

    Just donated. Hope it helps some. I dare anyone to ever question your loyalty to the game after this. Working for free since June! You guys are the best and I hope everything turns out positive for you.
  4. Mynno

    FIXED Bugged account has trial account restrictions

    Same here. Can only access my main character. Can not even open bank vault at this time nor use Town pylon to port anywhere.
  5. Mynno

    Rank Embers Adrift

    A quick poll to rate Embers Adrift with 1 being this is the worst game I have ever had the misfortune to play, all the way to 5 being sleep what sleep I need to level!
  6. Mynno

    Thoughts from a New Player

    Agree or even better a marker of where you are on the map. Also agree this would help. Agree. Maybe have one of the beginning quest givers point out that the lock boxes exist. Really not sure how I feel about this one, on one hand it would help in making the selection but on the other it is...
  7. Mynno

    Why I am staying with Embers Adrift!

    This is the opposite of one of those "Why I am leaving this game" threads. Here are my personal reasons why I continue to play Embers Adrift. 1. The community. While still small it is one of the best communities of players, I have played with in a long long time! They are helpful, friendly and...
  8. Mynno

    A warm fellow hello!

    Welcome to Embers Adrift. Hope to see you around sometime.
  9. Mynno

    Hot Fix August 6th

    Removed Redshore's Crab bulletin board task from the rotation. Ok if for nothing else I love this being in the patch! Thank you, thank you, thank you! That one kill task was making it, so I did not even want to try and do the BB quest in Redshore. Now if we still have this quest will it be...
  10. Mynno

    Guild Bank

    Thank you Elloa. I knew it would probably be low priority which is why I posted the poll just to see if anyone else was even interested in the idea. It is nice to hear though that you guys have thought about it and that it somewhere down the road might be implemented. :)
  11. Mynno

    Guild Bank

    The bank near the new town Ember Pylon is seldom used with most people using the bank by the crafting area of town. I was thinking it would be nice to make the bank by the Pylon into a guild bank. A place where members can put items in that other guildmates could withdraw. Just like other...
  12. Mynno

    Special Occasions and fireworks

    That would be the ones. I think there is also a long cool down on flares (the ones you can craft) as well. Which flares while not as impressive as fireworks they still look cool. Thank you for replying and explaining why there are cool downs on them.
  13. Mynno

    Special Occasions and fireworks

    With the upcoming American holiday of July 4th as well as other special occasions such as last night's unlocking of the Newhaven's monolith I would like to see the timer for fireworks in game removed or shortened considerably. I am not really sure why there is a timer on them in game, but the...
  14. Mynno

    A huge THANK YOU to the devs!

    I just wanted to say thank you to the devs. Every patch adds something fun to the game and shows you guys and gals not only want your game to be a success but also that it's a game you play yourselves. Every month you guys put out a patch that moves the game forward and makes it even better. You...
  15. Mynno

    wilted deer brewed tea

    Roland Ryfold sells the recipe in Newhaven. He is the rare recipes vendor right across from the bank. It is called DEER LEAF TEA and cost 10 copper.
  16. Mynno

    Brainstorming ideas - TRADE SYSTEM

    The traditional Auction House seems to work best so I would go with you can list items for a fee and they will stay on the market for a set amount of time. Of course, the Consortium would be a part of this. The items should be searchable or at least sortable by level and rarity as well as type...
  17. Mynno

    Design a quest that you think would be fun using existing game mechanics

    Food For Thought ( Level 1-10 ) This quest begins by talking to Sigwell Allendorf (the food vendor) in Newhaven. "Why hello there drifter if you have come looking to fill your belly then you have come to the right place he says with a broad smile while looking you over. I see you have come...
  18. Mynno

    Embers Adrift turns into a mostly solo RPG at lvl 30

    I just don't get why people are not subbing to this game. It is a good game and is constantly moving forward with updates. The devs obviously care about their game and I know they play it themselves as well. People want everything right now even when they are told the dev team is small and...
  19. Mynno

    Embers Adrift turns into a mostly solo RPG at lvl 30

    I have been thinking about this thread a bit and have come up with a couple of more ideas that might better suit what you are asking for which is players to group with. 1. So how about the game gives additional experience per member in a group. An example might be if there are 3 players in...
  20. Mynno

    Guild Bank in Newhaven

    I have noticed that practically no one goes to the other bank in Newhaven so I was thinking why not turn that bank into a bank for guilds. A GuildMaster could set restrictions on what guild members could remove from the guild vault or possibly even what could be put into the vault. That would...