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Honestly... same as every other $60 game. That's just how gaming works these days, huge rushes of kids flock from game to game. They are even aware of it now, the "hype train" is literally its own thing. I agree Steam isn't a Magic Marketing Method, though. The vast majority of games are barely...
Remember that this "work" we do for it is a feature, not a bug. That "work" is fun for us. It's diegetic, which means it adds to immersion instead of kills it. And it's a cost paid before a convenience, which means it heightens the enjoyment of the convenience. If anything this fast travel is a...
Also, one option is the Duelist (and mayube other classes). They can contribute to physical combat through ranged weapons with minimal APM/attention/focus investment; just auto attack and an ability or two with fairly long cooldowns. When I need to let my fingers rest I stop hopping in and out...
It's a game, not a strip mall ;) Development is a years long process. At most you'll see some fiddling about the edges in the span of months. In addition, most of the change will likely be toward the end of the progression, which you won't have reached in only 50 hours.
Only question is; do...
@Lunamagic @Colanius
Sure, I'd be happy to explain why this brings it closer to WoW (Classic) and what I'd implement instead.
My main point is speed, specifically speed of gameplay. If you take footage of a dungeon run from WoW Classic Era (not SoD, and obv not retail) and compare to Embers...
I've just always been a fan of the ones that stay in your quest log for a long, long time. Like collecting a large amount of rare drops from a broad variety of mobs in different locations.
Prefer clear but difficult goals, rather than obtuse but easy.
Grouping requirements suck and ostracize the solo player and no one likes them and they're not fun and people get kicked out of groups and there's lots of drama and solo players should just play single player games anyway.
Versus -
As a solo player I would like to see more of the solo friendly...
Be aware that there is also the GEL system; a level scaling system to allow groups to flex up or down* on member levels. So shop wider than your level range.
*I think?
I've experienced the Go-Go-Group thing, too. Even with extra Cheese to skip as much content as humanely possible even through exploits. I'll never understand the point.
A note about healing; you have two targets so there is no need to swap back and forth, your heal target gets heals etc. Just...
Keep in mind that these things won't make the game "better," they'll make it better fit your preferences. Crucial difference, especially for us, who typically prefer the feeling of being alone and lost in a huge world, and who don't get frustrated by such things, who DO get more immersed and...
I started playing I think because Nathan Napalm, whom I watched play EQ and such, publicized the game, discussing its origins. I then realized I had followed the old project years ago as well, for all the reasons Embers was made. Harkening back to Olde School MMOs, etc.
Reasons I enjoy Embers...
Indeed, it's been multiple decades now of watching first WoW then EQ (with EQ2) then tohers cave to the Monied Masses. Tbf tho they don't even know they're doing it, really, most of them. Just natural to express their preferences.
Well, it isn't so much about the controller model but the software interface and game structure. Cause even a PS2 controller immediately has like 32 buttons easily available plus aiming and walking (just use bumpers as modifiers).
What really matters is how the game accepts say, viewport...
Maybe we should start a post about what a controller scheme would look like.
Just from the one class I've played, I'm seeing a distinct need to cycle through all party members quickly as well as nearby enemies, distant enemies for the CC classes, and decently quick access to the extended tool...
I envy you all somewhat, who managed to get into any of the new mmos. I only ever managed to get into wow and that didn't last long. At first I quite enjoyed the transition to heavy action rpgs, but that lasted only a few months, until the pain began, although I didn't realize it at the time...
Well, not just New World, either. That just happens to be the latest release. Op would be statistically perfectly fine with 9 out of 10 new releases, even 99 out of 100, and that's not hyperbole. Basically just buy any MMO you happen to see and it will be likely to suit your tastes, by a large...
I'm in the same boat, I never ever use fear as any sort of crowd control, but rather as a panic button. It's just always way way too risky. That is, unless you combine it with a snare or root.