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Hey all. Back when the game started someone made a spreadsheet that I found the link for and it included most all of the early game weapons laid out in a sortable chart that I could sort as I wished to see which weapon was best for me. That was not kept up and over time became less useful.
So I am now able to play without a subscription. Thank you very much, I play too sporadically now to justify it to myself.
But I have to choose. When I played from Beta and during live I got a Marshall to 17, a Duelist to 17 and a Berserker to 19. As I am still likely to play very sporadically...
Not sure if this is up to date now, or old beta information, but it will allow you to do some comparisons on your weapon choices.!63923&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AK-rQXunHte2Wkk
I am trying to work within the games lore and consider ways to roleplay, and it seems we have 2 main venues open. Classic text based roleplay in which we can come up with short stories on events and happenings in game. Maybe a subforum for related stories, with each author having thread...