Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Virsago

    Patching stops at 1% after I install

    Looks like you're missing the mscorlib.dll file "Microsoft Common Object Runtime" dll file. You can probably do a quick google search to find and install the file you need, and that should solve the problem for you.
  2. Virsago

    Congrats on your first year of service

    Just wanted to give a hearty congratulations to the team at Stormhaven Studios on their first year of live service. I know it's been a crazy chaotic year for you guys, but it's been a strong one, jam packed with updates. Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to see what comes in the...
  3. Virsago

    The problem with personal desires in an MMORPG.

    I largely agree with your sentiment here. I think it's safe to assume that most, if not all, of us here are adults and should be able to communicate as such. One thing I do want to point out though, is that this cuts both ways. I've seen plenty of toxic complaints here on the forum, and when I...
  4. Virsago

    My camp is under assault!

    So I log in for the first time in quite a while, and I see my characters are surrounded by webs and a giant spider is about to attack! I thought that was a pretty nice touch to the character select screen for spooky season.
  5. Virsago

    New Player - Everquest Veteran

    Unless they've changed it since I last played, the game uses a "Need" or "Greed" system for group looting, which does give players the ability to loot snipe using the "Need" function when they don't actually need the item. I saw it happen in several groups I was in when I was playing. People...
  6. Virsago

    Looting for Alts

    Your crafter is going to need to do some adventuring anyway. You can only raise your crafting skills 10 levels higher than the characters level, so the crafter would need to be at least level 40 to get to level 50 in their chosen professions.
  7. Virsago

    Looting for Alts

    That's something you'd need to discuss with the groups you're joining. Typically you're expected to roll need only on the things you need for that character, because if you're rolling Need for all your characters all the time, then you could be taking away an upgrade for the person in your group...
  8. Virsago

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I think it's a good change all things considered. The biggest problem this game has faced is simply getting people in the door. The free weekends have shown that there is an interest in the game, but the cost was acting as a barrier to entry. Now they can get in, look around and try the game on...
  9. Virsago

    DLSS is a freaking success!

    I've also noticed it causes ghosting with the player's character in dark areas, while moving. Not sure if this is just some of us, or all of us. I added it to a thread for DLSS performance.
  10. Virsago

    Long Term Stuff: Housing - Instanced vs NonInstanced

    Ever since launch I was curious what player housing would look like in Embers Adrift. I too got my introduction to player housing in UO, and I don't think anyone has done it better since. Non-instanced housing goes a long way to making the world feel lived in. I'm not sure there's enough space...
  11. Virsago

    Consignment Shop suggestion.

    There was a post many months ago discussing the value of an auction house system, where Undone had commented and said that it was something they were looking at doing, but hadn't decided what it would look like in game at that point. I'm not sure if anything more has been said about it. I don't...
  12. Virsago

    What are you playing currently?

    I've been playing a lot of Wartales lately. It's a really nice, relaxing way to completely lose track of time.
  13. Virsago

    Discussion on speed of progression

    XP SPEED: I like the slower progression myself, but I can see how it could be a turn off for some. You can spend more time getting to know your character, and it allows time for exploring the content available. Whereas, if I were leveling much faster, I would probably skip out on a lot of things...