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So I wander around and meet a wild boar. What might it do? Boars are usually pretty tanky, tend to berserk and gore. So I fortify my health, lower chances for bleeding, stack DoTs myself to overcome its damage mitigation.
Turns out it was a good choice. It also blinds me and kicks up small dust...
I see. Thanks for taking your time to answer. On a sidenote: reds being unkillable is something I'm sad to have missed. That sounds like a fun, fresh experience that very few if any games have done by now.
Happened to be able to play Sentinel in a full dungeon group. Didn't chose the class, stumbled into it. I quite enjoyed it, between the HoT and direct heal, armour buff mob debuff it felt like a great support class. My biggest gripe is the tiny skill cone for the heals combined with the horrible...
Nothing to add besides how hilariously fun my first dip into the game was. And I did nothing but run duo, kill some stuff and get two levels. Hopefully the slow pacing and complex tooltips will stick. Can't wait for my armour buff.