Embers Adrift

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  1. T

    Game Status

    Yeah, I know. I’m just hoping for an increase in players with the steam release.
  2. T

    Game Status

    Awesome, thanks for the link! I’m definitely excited about this. In comparison to a couple of the “early access” mmo’s that have recently came out, none of them compare to embers in my opinion. Yes there are some things that need to be fixed in embers, but overall I feel this game is more...
  3. T

    Game Status

    Hello, has it been determined if this game is coming to steam?
  4. T

    Stormhaven Studios Press Release 10.29.24

    I’ll donate as well. Been away from the game for a while, but I’m always a fan and support underdogs. Cheers! Here’s to a successful launch on steam!