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The highlight for the group member interface will be nice. When I do heal, I watch that section closely so having that clear indicator which I have selected will be nice.
Yeah I would venture to say the entire community is ok with the devs take like two weeks to spend time with their family lol.
You can handle no patch’s for that time. I believe in you.
There will at some point need to be a port with a ship to take you to some zones. I know ember monoliths are a thing, but traveling through like 4 zones as the levels get higher is an insane amount of time sink.
No there isn’t. This is an issue I have brought up before. If the default graphics settings are beyond your games specs. Then you are unable to actually navigate the menu settings even at the login screen. The login screen really should be static image to prevent this. @Undone
This is definitely an issue that had not come up in testing to my knowledge. So interested to see how it can “evened out”. Maybe all defensive players get a repair discount because the guards are so glad they’re not the ones getting hit anymore.
I belive that is used in the second/third part of a quest. So I would bank it and have it later when you come across a quest that asks for it. But yes, getting quest times that you can not use can be confusing. At least let us cell them for 1cp to get rid of them easier.
You just keep leveling them up. But they can no go [10] levels above your base character level. So for example if you are lvl 2, your prospecting can not go above 12.
See I have the opposite problem. My gathering out pacing my base level because I suck at grinding mobs. Think it really comes down to play style and being in right place when things spawn. There is definitely room for improvement though.
You can go into town and buy recipes or loot them to learn new things to craft. I agree the world needs more things to interact with. I’d love to be able to search some of those thousand barrels and crates around the world. Put them even on a long random interval timer. Just occasionally getting...