Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. C

    Melee weapon choice: speed vs. auto-attack damage

    There are, and I promise you advantage strike will not be in your rotation at level 50, but assault will. Also, advantage strike is 8% with 2 second cast and 10 second CD. Assault is instant cast NO CD. The choice is clear isn't it? AoE will not come into play until you have wild swing, and you...
  2. C

    Melee weapon choice: speed vs. auto-attack damage

    I'm just giving suggestions. You wanted to "make use of positional" there's a weapon for every positional. If it takes you more than a second to move into a different position then that's on you. If a mob changes position your tank is doing something wrong. If you're trying to do "hard"...
  3. C

    Melee weapon choice: speed vs. auto-attack damage

    It's all situational, you could have multiple bows for different positionals. You can pull aggro when using the 2 combo skills and use guts afterwards.
  4. C

    Melee weapon choice: speed vs. auto-attack damage

    Why can't you use bow? Assault works for bows too, switch to dual wield when they get in melee range. Guts is only really needed if you're soloing. AOE can be used once follow through ends and you regen your stamina back.
  5. C

    Melee weapon choice: speed vs. auto-attack damage

    There is no downtime as a berserker. Assault with a 2h, switch to dual wield and save 20% stamina to use fury and follow through. Rinse and repeat. Works wonders. Stack haste and you'll be doing super fast attacks. Should give it a shot. It's berserker class or nothing lol. They just do...
  6. C

    Meadow Lands Content

    You really don't need to add more creatures...simply change some of those quillback mounds to 1^. That's where you have the most creature densities and no groups around to kill. The rat/bat area north of the emberstone quest npc can also be changed to 1^. There's simply not enough players to...
  7. C

    Class System Needs Improvement

    I also feel like epic quests is a bad decision. It's a waste of resources to implement because you already have skull bosses that covers armor + weapons. As far as I know, quested rewards < dropped rewards. So what's really the goal here? A long tedious, boring, grindy, and less rewarding loot...
  8. C

    Brainstorming ideas - QUESTS LOCATIONS

    Named mobs in open world could use some sort of tweak. As Keiban has stated, most zones have minimal things thats just there for the sake of having something there. Each "static" spot where a named mob could spawn should STAY in that spot. Take for example, Quillbane in Meadowlands. There's...
  9. C

    Merry Band of 5

    It's not difficult killing a named mob and clearing the area where they spawn. It's just a major time sink. If you want to make it difficult, how bout making the fighting mechanics harder. Like instead of the usual aoe stuns/daze, why not do "death touches" or unbreakable complete heals or swarm...
  10. C

    Merry Band of 5

    This is exactly the same reason why they changed the ancient bear kill quest in the cave in New Haven Valley. People are "competing" or fighting over spawn. This is no different. Just imagine IF they have a healthy population of players in game. When there's more than 1 group trying to do the...
  11. C

    The Ultimate Juggernaut Class Guide

    One thing I wanna say is, No Time to Die only works in combat mode, so if you sheath your weapons it's void. Combat movement helps in this case when everyone is fleeing. Darkwater armor or Oiled Tin quarter plate has combat movement to help in cases like that. Threatening strike may not seem...
  12. C

    QA April 23rd

    Is there a cap to how much TE can be stored?
  13. C

    Embers Adrift turns into a mostly solo RPG at lvl 30

    Wait until your reach level 30 on your zerker, that's when they really shine.
  14. C

    QA April 5th, 2024

    The reason people choose Free Hold over FD2 is because it's too big with no butt hole (exit hatch) and harder to access. Clear through FD1 or Clear through from shrieks in GC. That in itself is already a time sink for little to no exp. Whereas FH is easier to access, lots of solo mobs, lots of...
  15. C

    Hot Fix April 2nd

    Alchemy 1 or 2 Chaotic Strike = 1 hit killer! What!
  16. C

    where is everyone

    You've missed the train! When they opened up the free trial there was a lot of new comers. Pretty much everyone is passed the starting zone now. However, you won't see people log in for another 6-8 hours or so. Basically prime time. There should be more players in the starting zone by then.
  17. C

    LIVE March 26th; what's new?

    Before. It was about a month ago.
  18. C

    LIVE March 26th; what's new?

    It's going to be so much fun seeing people die from the stalkers when they go afk. One thing to keep in mind...I was in a death loop in Redshore Ridge when I went afk and respawned. They just kept on killing me there. Might wanna do something about them "camping" respawners.
  19. C

    Drive-By Buffing

    This game doesn't have long lasting buffs unfortunately.