Embers Adrift

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  1. BellatorMonk

    Upgrading from a GTX 1060 6GB to a GeForce RTX 3060 12GB - has anyone done this

    Without knowing exact models a general comparison shows the 3060 is a significant upgrade overall. How will it do with with the Unity HDRP engine..according to most info I see it handles DLSS which was enabled in this client recently as I remember reading...
  2. BellatorMonk

    No housing assumptions

    I am sure if they spent the time and server space/assets to maintain such people would have to be monthly subs and a lot more people would need to playing to recoup such costs up front and on a monthly basis.
  3. BellatorMonk

    Night needs to be adjusted

    I will be honest and say it was adjusting my gameplay not knowing about at least the -1 Exposure Slider setting. I logged out and played some other game or did something else IRL most times unless I was in a group and heading for a Dungeon. I have no desire to run around in the dark with a...
  4. BellatorMonk

    Night needs to be adjusted

    This was great info. Makes night much better for me w/o ruining immersion.
  5. BellatorMonk

    Let's talk about Bows and their role

    So far as I have experienced as a Lvl 5 Striker to this point is my Bow doesn't normally have enough range to pull before the target aggros me before I even fire. 9x out of 10 aggro mobs seems to detect me just as I get into Bow range anyways.