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Mortal online 2 would be a almost perfect Game for me if they we're able to force the 1 char per player restriction and not have a playerbase having 2 -4 Accounts and circumvent the restriction. The whole concept sadly doesnt work for me with this community "exploit".
compromises are allways needed and good if done fair. So yes, what i can imagine are Quests that introduce people to the "sandbox grind" and teach them what gives them coin aka kill smugglers and waht gives them leather, meat or tea leaves if you are a hunter or wood, flax and shrooms if you are...
ah yes i made some torches already to level to 12, but scrapped them afterwards because i dont use them often, have a lantern already.
But good for leveling Provisioner as flax and wood is more available than mushrooms for Healthpotions.
i'm collecting carrots, onions, pepper etc. to maybe be...
I agree and disagree here. Sure there can be more Stories around, but i like to make my own stories, but this needs players willing to provide and become part of the story.
I'd like to play this game 100% iC and roleplay so we would create stories all day.
i said this already in another thread...
disagree, when i was a GM i gave XP to the group at the end of the session based on my notices. I also did not give XP for killed enemies during the session, you couldnt level up during a session, you startet Level X and the whole Session you do your best as a ROLEPLAY character and play your...
I choosed Hunting and oh man do i like having Dry Dear Leaf Tea and some smoked meat to sustain better.
Love it already!
About the coal i remember Marreska told something about it or i am just phantazizing too much :D
seems he did not understand how Mobs having Chevrons to indicate their strength and level and Combat starts to shine in groups when you attack that yellow 3 chevron hare :D
Sure i see people dont expect a rat or hare beeing that strong, but if you have played Vanguard, because iirc it had a...
Hey all, i lerned forestry, then provisioning and i guess i need to level both to 12 or just one to 12 or both to 6 to choose the next profession?
Am i able to learn all professions or are they restricted?
I want to become a Provisioner Knight and give everyone a soup to strngthen their staimina...
After the open beta weekend i was able to play more and leveld my knight to level 8, it was hard to find groups for me to explore the central veins more and finish quests.
The groups i had showed me that having a group is what this game is about. Group up and explore and kill mobs. I hope there...
same for me months ago when i tried the game for the first time, and same for me on friday, but i didnt deinstall, but try to make it tun and on performant settings and the distancies reduced i was fine and at least playable, the more players are around the worse for me.
i agree with your 2nd...
played a lot of Mortal Online 2, it's a beautifull game, but i cant find my spot there without multiaccounting what i refuse to do as many mechanics in the game are build around one char per player.
i actually play Chivalry 2 mostly what i play every now and then since Chiv 1 was released...
this is what i think since yesterday, i like the tool, i used it 1h in the game, 30 minutes later i had like 3 chat tabs for general, zone, group and asked many times in Zone chat. All i need is fellow players to explore at my pace and become an adventurers group.
I need to find some people or i...
Not that many germanspeaking until, i'lldo it in english for you, but i'm native germanspeaking ;)
Nickname: Stundorn or Stun
IRL Location: Cologne
First language: german
year of birth: '76
How did you ended on this forum?: i was searching for a PVE only MMORPG forever and some day found Saga...
i can imagine a 980 is to weak, i play with 2070 super and play on performant and with all view distances reduced like Elloa did in her Beta Tips Video.
I can also imagine RAM is important, but idk for sure. 16gb is good, but more is allways better :D
Hi @all i want to give a short feedback about some hours in the game last night.
Disclaimer: i really urge a PVE only MMORPG!!! I love PVP, but i want some Pen and Paper, me and my group against the world vibes more and it's important to me to immerse.
I like the Map, i like there is no...
afaik they plan to add a questlog, i'm also struggling with the quest about the missed person/apprentice in new haven valley, it seems i found soumething and need to turn back and investigate more, but i dont even know where i had find the cues about it.