Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. A

    Feedback Game - List your 3 favourite things and 3 most disliked things about the game

    Reason to play... was bored or AAA mmos Likes Grouping Community Exploring Dislikes Need more quests and xp for them Trading is very difficult Low pop which is why trading is hard
  2. A

    Class System Needs Improvement

    The classes do feel abit meh. The Expansion of skills would be awesome and bring more diversity to classes. Teleport would be amazing. I cant do dungeons for the same problem you had. If it goes wrong i havnt got the time to hand around for bag runs. Im limited to time and as a aussie player...
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    Curious about ground torches

    they are handy 2 place in dungeons for a pull spot so everyone can wait around it while the tank pulls mobs back to it.
  4. A

    8-11 est pm sorry

    8-11 est pm sorry
  5. A

    About 8-11 est most nights

    About 8-11 est most nights