Embers Adrift

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  1. Boerewors

    One More Port Discussion

    That is amazing news, thank you so so much!
  2. Boerewors

    One More Port Discussion

    This is one big worry of mine, if I disconnect or if life happens while I am in a group deep in a dungeon, I WILL lose all my carried loot. There is currently no way past that and it is sadly something I will have to shrug and live with. I have an active family life and a sometimes bad African...
  3. Boerewors

    Introduce yourself

    Nickname: Boerewors IRL Location: South Africa First language: Afrikaans/English year of birth: 1968 How did you ended on this forum?: Saw the game, had to see what it was about What interest you most about Embers Adrift? Slow progression, tactical combat, exploration Kids? Grown up Pets? 2...