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Nickname: Tharbeard
IRL Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
First language: English
year of birth: long, long ago
How did you ended on this forum?: early backer of SoL (Collector)
What interest you most about Embers Adrift? I was late to the MMO genre (Burning Crusade (WoW))...
So happy to see the hard leashing! The length of pursuit felt reasonable, and they broke off just when I was getting annoyed. Also, it felt like those NPCs that interacted with me directly pursued the longest, while those who responded to a call broke off sooner, both of which make sense. It...
Thank you for the spoilers. Really at the point I just want to finish it and move on. ;)
I love complicated quest lines, but sometimes you just needs some help figuring things out. This is the type of thing that gets into wiki entries and becomes shared knowledge.
I'm still at the "chase some lass up this road, she can't be too far away" state in the quest - checked with the quest giver last night just to be sure. To that end, I've carefully followed the path, checking all of the abandoned(?) buildings and sheds along the road - plus the shelters by the...
I'm down to a single weapons cache and have the quest to go into CV. I've run through all of the camps looking for that cache - I can only assume it must be clicked, in which case just running through isn't going to help. Any clues on what the caches look like and where in the camps they might...
Spent a good deal of time exploring South Newhaven (the starting area) this weekend. Had an amazing amount of fun just wandering around on my own, trying to stay alive, and seeing what there is to see. Seriously, a good time was had.
1) Is there a lore reason the spawn points turn blue when you...