Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. zasdman

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    @Undone No Pressure... I Finally decided to swap to Linux and then I see its currently broken... I can't win lol (Intel A770 Issues before). Anyway I will be here waiting :) Also thanks for all you do :)
  2. zasdman

    Feedback Game - List your 3 favourite things and 3 most disliked things about the game

    Write down your reason to start playingEmbers Adrift I had stumbled on it looking for an old school like game. Write down your 3 favorite thingsabout Embers Adrift No Auction house! Mostly have to work for your gear Difficulty and slow progression No Fast Travel Write down your 3 most...
  3. zasdman

    I took the dwarves into Moria

    Was Fun, you can just make me out from behind the giant shield...