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Hey Undone. By quest markers I was speaking to the fact people have requested giant WOW exclamations for NPC who have quests. By 'easy' I meant make these things (compass and exclamations) toggleable and it shuts up people requesting 2 of the most asked for things ... It likewise takes away the...
"We can not change the whole concept. Nor do we want I think..."
So, Stormhaven have to ask themselves is adding 2 toggleable things changing the concept? People don't have to use them and many current shoutdown customers possibly wouldn't
*Compass: Your maps are already not to scale etc ...
Have to agree. "Most people actually turn off..." . Thats complete hyperbole. 'Most' meaning a few peeps maybe run with? I'm sure the vast majority of people do not turn off their bar.
taydris, you are massively uninformed. The game is most definitely not made for the mobile/gacha audience. I don't even understand how you could possibly think that with the info that is easily found out there.
As Undone has said, there are also zero.... ZERO ... microtransaction costs to this...