Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Breidr

    The Big Flaw

    This is really the cause of my frustration. I finally sat down with the game and wanted to give it another shot. I'm a level 11 Berserker. So, I go try to do the "Missing Arms Race." I cannot solo that camp, no matter what I do. They are all green,, but 2-3 chevrons are mixed in, and they...
  2. Breidr

    Embers Adrift in the Year 2525:

    I'm really torn about where I am on the subject. This is the closest I'm probably going to get to what I'm looking for. Slow deliberate combat, low number of hot keys, and a classic feel. I really want this game to succeed, as I could see myself playing it up until the year 2525 and beyond...
  3. Breidr

    Feedback Game - List your 3 favourite things and 3 most disliked things about the game

    Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift Slower Paced Gameplay Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift 1. Limited Hot Bar that is easy for me to grasp 2. Focus on PvE over PVP, Grouping Focus 3. Gear and Quest Rewards Feel Impactful Write down your 3 most disliked...
  4. Breidr

    Embers Adrift for Dummies?

    Awesome links, thanks! I'm slowly learning what everything means now. Did my first EV today and it was awesome!
  5. Breidr

    Embers Adrift for Dummies?

    Been playing for two days, and today I got a group together and we went and fought some bandits. It's been a long time since I've formed a group organically in the wild in any MMO, it was a blast! I hit level six and am ready to specialize, but I'm being stubborn about it. I want to do the...
  6. Breidr

    Role/Subclass Selection

    Thanks for all the helpful tips and info. I'm going to start leveling a striker. I do think the Berserker playstyle may suit me. The two "phases" were easy enough for me to wrap my head around, and there isn't much else mechanically to worry about.
  7. Breidr

    Role/Subclass Selection

    After some careful deliberation, I decided to pull the trigger and purchase the game. Given the current landscape of "old school" MMOs, there isn't much else for me to look forward to, so I made the executive decision to spend my allowance. From what little I've done with it, the game works...