Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. N

    Introduce yourself

    Ok i suppose i will join in :) Nickname: Nulore or Galoor IRL location: UK First Language: English on a quick note, all you Americans out there, you speak American not English, two very different languages ;) and Arbutus, technically Scots is...
  2. N

    Get to know the team - Extended version - AMA

    Having read all your info I have just 2 things to say, 1) dang yer all young em/sobs , i used to be...... and 2) REALLY pinapple on pizza? heathens ;)
  3. N

    What are you playing currently?

    Stopped playing SWTOR about a year ago, looked around and found absolutely nothing worth my time. Then New World was released, pvx game sounded good (as i never pvp, those whiny little girls ruin every game because of class balancing), so i stupidly bought the trash. Turned out pve was more of...