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Diablo4 will be playable in several hours, so idea to open a free Embers might be very nice, but timing is very wrong :-( Will miss Embers this time, of course.
And this is not 1st time same mistake. Release of Embers happens also almost same day as Dual Universe mmorpg. Now DU is dead, but it...
I participated in previous beta test in the end of spring, as I remember, or at the begging of summer.
That time game was much worse then now. It was slow, boring, and without any sense of progress. Now it's much better, compared to previous run. It's fun to play, hunt mobs, make some parties...
I do not like darkness in any games. I think it's just bad for my eyes. Darkness should be present like a little tint, and not so that nothing can be seen.
As I wrote in *update* in 1st post, it's possible to design abilities that works differently, and can not be used in way of "button mashing".
For sample, most of abilities are short time buffs: "shouts", that last for 20-30-40 seconds and gives good bonuses, like increase attack damage, or hit...
We found thieves in fields. Did not managed to get to caves, since everyone got bored and logout using different excuses.
Those "couples of levels" should last less then half hour. It's quite easy to learn to press 3 buttons, and will take less then 10 minutes even for someone completely new to...
Okay, you can make leveling slow, I do not mind, but it should not be boring.
You can make auto attack much better source of damage (like in EVE online, where you do not have to mash buttons to do damage). To make it less boring, make mobs aggro and partly social. In this case, a party can kill...
Feedback as a new user:
Game visuals are not bad, typical level for an indie game.
Game client performance - works well, noting to complain about.
Gameplay and progression. Too slow and very boring. Typical Koran progression, when one gain about 10-20 levels in half hour to have reasonable...