Embers Adrift

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Recent content by zabatiz

  1. Z

    QA April 5th, 2024

    I noticed on test my lvl 43 gear changed to lvl 26, which means I am unable to equip now that I am lvl 25 on test. I am thinking its likely because of the odd lvl requirement of 43 it doesn't seem to scale appropriately where I can continue to use it. (Lvl 43 Kings quest rewards are quite...
  2. Z

    A question re: grouping and community

    Ive played all classes except a tank, and there are plenty of good solo'rs other than Zerks like Warlords, Dualists, Wardens... There are also many areas with 2c camps as well as 3c camps, you just have to know where to look.
  3. Z

    A question re: grouping and community

    Have you tried joining a guild or building up your friends list? Are you using the looking for group tool or shouting in world chat for a group. Have you seen solo players and asked if they wanted help? These step can start to build your community and connections. On a whim I made a new...
  4. Z

    Leveling issues beyond design

    Curious where did you log into at 40 and were forced to xp on reskinned content? There are new mobs in the Highland Hills and well as Grizzley Peaks zone, with new quests, weapons, and armor sets to obtain. There lvl 50 bosses in the new zone that many of the high levels have been...
  5. Z

    Leveling issues beyond design

    At 40 Highland Hills is an excellent spot to level and solo. Not only outside but in the solo loop in the EV. You have tons of regents, chests, ashen mobs to level alchemy, weapon drops and deeproot armor sets to farm, even solo bosses. I personally enjoy playing solo at my own pace and dont...
  6. Z

    LIVE December 19th; what's new?

    I agree - I think group Alchemy versions of a Heal over Time and a group Physical Damage resists would be ideal here and fall in line with the Sentinel's party role perfectly.
  7. Z

    Night needs to be adjusted

    Thats the whole point of night, its supposed to be harder. Its yin and yang, cant have light without dark, and adds to the dynamics the developers are shooting for. Some nodes are actually easier to see at night (later on you have glowing gems and flowers in general seem to be easier to see at...
  8. Z

    Night needs to be adjusted

    Well you can make gear augments, potions, or items with specific stats on them that are not found in the game elsewhere. Its your choice to not do it but its not useless if you understand what the potential is. Its not worth it to some people, but it certainly is to others and gives them some...
  9. Z

    Night needs to be adjusted

    You will learn how to distinguish them. Of course its going to be harder at night (thats the whole point). The hardest zone would be Highland Hills as there are lots of tree stumps which look like nodes.
  10. Z

    Nights - I log out.

    Ever turn your interior light on in your car at night while driving.. Its harder to see outside isnt it? Torches are nice for checking dark corners and such but try letting your eyes adjust without it. I think in most cases its easier to see without a torch on.
  11. Z

    A conversation on Juggernauts

    Everything is situational, dont get caught up in "best class" or "best in slot".. it all depends on what youre doing and all the factors involved. Sounds like whoever made that comment to you was trolling.. don't feed em!
  12. Z

    Any future plans for improving the crafting system?

    There are some crafted items that are very nice at certain levels, and one of the nicest things with some professions is the ability to make augments. You cant get these anywhere else in the game but from crafting. For example you can add damage to weapons, healing to gloves, resists to...
  13. Z

    Night needs to be adjusted

    I love night in Embers. The colors really shine and are deeper. The lighting is very nice.. You can see the NPC names easier as the yellow overhead labels stand out. I also suggest turning off your torch and letting your eyes adjust. You can still see nodes (especially the flowers as they...
  14. Z

    Losing steam

    Your goals in progression should be to advance in level to acquire new skills, be able to wear new gear or weapons, expand your emberstone, acquire alchemy, level up your alchemy skills to alch2, improve stats via hunting log, etc. As mentioned, network in the game. Build your friends list...
  15. Z

    Thoughts on Warlord vs Duelist.

    Hey there.. I will address your questions as someone who has played a warlord (alot). Yes the do have some struggles early on but grow powerful as they level. 1. Warlords have good debuffs, and Stifle should be used (which slows attack speed of the mob) which in turn equals less damage you...