Embers Adrift

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x1101011x's latest activity

  • X
    If nobody holds grudges, then they're not enforcing the rule. Regardless, it seems like everyone else is overthinking it, trying to...
  • X
    Can someone please explain to me why round robin is the current etiquette? With round robin, people have to remember who looted what...
  • X
    x1101011x replied to the thread Gear and Stats.
    I want to clarify this because I think my wording made this sound way crazier than it is. I'm pretty sure +DMG from weapon positionals...
  • X
    x1101011x replied to the thread Gear and Stats.
    I disagree with this entirely; I like the system the way it is. Also, I don't know if the game has changed much, since I just started...