Embers Adrift

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Recent content by texastime

  1. T

    Merry Band of 5

    This is really well written and valid points. I’ve helped a friend do parts of the quest and it does seem overly time consuming considering the current population. There are almost never any full “of level” groups, especially 30+. Finally, I would keep grinding to the final rewards. They’re...
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    AC Capped at 1000

    Hi Team, As stated it seems the AC is capped at 1000. Unsure if this is a bug or if this is truly the cap. Please see attached report sent in game.
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    A question about character choices later in the game.

    Hi and welcome! You’ll get better answers if you can decide on which class you want to choose. The best all-around advice I can give you no matter what class you pick: always have a frontal position weapon in your bag. In full groups you may not use it but you’ll spend some time soloing or in...
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    QA April 23rd

    i noticed the Vale gear 1.) has changed to a green color. I preferred the charcoal color. 2.) I preferred the original plate look.