Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Teddanson

  1. T

    October 20th; what's new?

    Great list! Excited for the continued growth of this game
  2. T

    Embers Adrift Launch Announcement

    Hey thanks for the clarification! I logged in last night and accepted my first quest, but I got lost trying to find what it asked for which was actually exciting lol. Looking forward to starting the game again on live and beginning my real journey! Now the ultimate question...which Defender...
  3. T

    BETA TEST September 28th; what's new?

    Man I'm glad I haven't played in a few months! Release is going to be basically a whole new game for me
  4. T

    Embers Adrift Launch Announcement

    Oh I love whats here. I've only played up to around lvl 18 I think? I didn't want to get too far to have to do it again. The dungeon that they had was AWESOME so I'm glad to hear theres more. I'll be playing for sure.
  5. T

    Embers Adrift Launch Announcement

    Has the PVE content been fleshed out fully? Last I played there was one dungeon, no quests, and only a handful of Mob types. I enjoy whats there, BUT IDK if it's enough for launch.