Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Shimizu

  1. Shimizu

    A Poll About Grouping Preferences

    The sad truth is this game does not have the population to support the design of full groups being required to do anything It does not have mechanics in place to facilitate grouping (such as fast travel or teleporting to your group members). This combined with other disincentives (such as...
  2. Shimizu

    evenings UK time

    evenings UK time
  3. Shimizu

    Discussion on speed of progression

    I have to agree with the above. While I think there needs to be more meaningful solo progression ( in terms of things to do when you can't find a group, ala housing/decorating/achievementing or other non combat activities), I would not want to see the XP rate heavily accelerated. Most MMOs...
  4. Shimizu

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    +1 to lighting solutions, lanterns, etc staying on when fighting. On my hardware, even with exposure setting adjusted, the only thing I can see at night is nameplates. If lanterns are bad for performance we absolutely need a way to tweak the brightness at night or at the very least add a...
  5. Shimizu

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I'd like to better understand how the active character slot thing will work for those of us who currently play multiple characters. Do you designate which one is active? Can you change this? How often? Seems like its going to create an awful lot of faff with storage and shared banking and...
  6. Shimizu

    To quest or not to quest?

    Many of the quest regards offer better gear than you can get at the same level and are for "in between" crafting thresholds (ie, the lvl 12 quest weapons are notably better than lvl 10 crafted). You also usually get quite a few choices so you can pick your favorite weapon/armor type. I just...
  7. Shimizu

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I know you guys are being really careful with how you are doing the monetization and I applaud this but - I'd drop some $$ on storage expansions if it was an option. Its worth considering.
  8. Shimizu

    Long Term Stuff: Housing - Instanced vs NonInstanced

    Just adding my 2 cents here. While I do like non-instanced housings, and it worked well in older games on older tech, it is somewhat impractical nowadays. I think there is plenty of "space" in the Embers world (zones are quite large and there are large areas that can be quite sparse in terms...