Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Shadewe

  1. Shadewe

    A question re: grouping and community

    This is what I am afraid of. Why play anything other than a berserker? It kinda feels like if I'm not playing a berserker, I go sit in the corner. Side note: this would also explain why I saw a bunch of berserkers last I was on. I saw 1 Karst and 1 I think RR group LFM recently, and that's...
  2. Shadewe

    A question re: grouping and community

    I am in a guild (that doesn't really talk too much lately) and have a friends list (that hasn't been online in months, but then again I haven't really too much either). The problem with friends lists are, if you level faster or slower, then they will fall out of lvl range with you, which...
  3. Shadewe

    Helpful tips for beginning players

    Do you have a screenshot of a bulletin board? I have been playing this game for months and I have never seen anything even remotely close to a bulletin board in this game anywhere. Not doubting you, just need a reference to where the boards are.
  4. Shadewe

    A question re: grouping and community

    Hello all, I've been playing this game for a while now, and I took / am taking a small-ish break. The reason for my post though is that, when I do come on, I have been finding that groups are becoming a lot harder to come by / no one is grouping. Is this just bad timing and/or not seeing...
  5. Shadewe

    The Big Flaw

    Finding groups isn't that bad but it's rarely instantaneous. If you put effort into starting a group it usually goes quickly enough. Ya, there are times a group will be missing something (recently I was in two groups looking for a tank-type for a while) but it's usually not that bad. Trick is to...
  6. Shadewe

    Why other than weight wear anything other than heavy armors?

    It matters a lot for strikers between zerkers (+45) and wardens/brigands (+30). For example, for my brigand it's a constant nightmare trying to find gear pieces that don't weigh too much, and headgear is like a holy grail for me. You have to be mindful of shoulders/greaves vs chest/pants vs head...
  7. Shadewe

    Embers Adrift Expansion?

    1) Not 100% sure what you mean by your two different options here. To answer anyway, I would like A) a slow and steady build, and B) more and bigger zones eventually later 2) I don't think it's unreasonable for them to ask for $$$ for their work (this is crazy talk in the computer games world...
  8. Shadewe

    Game keeps freezing up every 5 minutes.

    I get this error about one every 2 weeks or so. Uncommon but it does happen to me too.
  9. Shadewe

    Leveling issues beyond design

    What level are you, what is your char name(s), and when were you on? I was on a good chunk of the 28th and A) I was in I believe 3 groups, B) I saw LFM requests for most if not all group levels, and C) I did not see any one person shout LFG for more than 30 minutes much less 6 hrs. Did you once...
  10. Shadewe

    Best Indie MMORPG - Another Scuffed Game Awards Show

    How do you get on Embers discord?
  11. Shadewe

    Best Indie MMORPG - Another Scuffed Game Awards Show

    Any chance you could summarize? I don't believe I have the wherewithall to watch 3 hrs of that show but I am curious as to the results.
  12. Shadewe

    Happy Festivus all!

    I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about it!
  13. Shadewe

    Any future plans for improving the crafting system?

    Outside of crafting tools, I very rarely use crafted gear. I used a crafted weapon a couple times and they worked OK. I have a couple of crafted armour pieces for stuff I can't find in the wild yet but the crafted gear feels more like a placeholder piece of EQ than something I'm glad I have...
  14. Shadewe

    Farewell.......for now.

    I hope you come back someday. I'm around a bunch (more than some, not as much as some) and have no problems with forming/joining groups, even Sents, if that helps.
  15. Shadewe

    Help re: Brigand gear

    See this is where I wish I knew what the stats were and did; I'd like to know if there was a practical limit to the effectiveness of PEN or not. This could be a big factor with Brigands using daggers and/or having lots of +PEN and +POS gear (which from the back will effect PEN). If PEN has...