Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Sephirah

  1. Sephirah

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    embers_adrift_linux_7.4.23.tar.gz still runs poorly on my Nvidia 1650 TI
  2. Sephirah

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    Sorry for the delay in reply, I have tried the Windows proton version but it run slightly better but not by much. I will do some more testing tomorrow when the sub is optional.
  3. Sephirah

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    It seems to play very poorly for me, I am running Garuda (Arch) with a Ryzen 9 and Nvidia 1650 potato edition. Please let me know if you needs logs or anything from me, I would like to help out.
  4. Sephirah

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    I am looking forward to trying this during the free play weekend ^.^ Thanks for caring about the Linux crew!
  5. Sephirah

    Steam Deck Installation and Controls

    nm, I deleted and redownloaded an tried again with success on my linux PC, but still not working on Steam deck with the same instructions.
  6. Sephirah

    Steam Deck Installation and Controls

    Odd, I am unable to get it to work with my Steam Deck (AMD) and Desktop Arch build (NVIDIA)