Embers Adrift

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Redwall's latest activity

  • Redwall
    Redwall reacted to texastime's post in the thread Merry Band of 5 with Like Like.
    This is really well written and valid points. I’ve helped a friend do parts of the quest and it does seem overly time consuming...
  • Redwall
    Redwall reacted to Hellburner's post in the thread Merry Band of 5 with Like Like.
    Having done this multiple times Zig not on a one off , they some times will spawn 3 or 5 in a cycle or 2 of the Entire Camp and then...
  • Redwall
    Redwall reacted to Hellburner's post in the thread Merry Band of 5 with Like Like.
    That is not difficulty , or the journey and all the other spin words you may wish to drop. It is insanity to expect a group of 6 players...
  • Redwall
    Redwall reacted to csthao's post in the thread Merry Band of 5 with Like Like.
    This is exactly the same reason why they changed the ancient bear kill quest in the cave in New Haven Valley. People are "competing" or...
  • Redwall
    Redwall reacted to csthao's post in the thread Merry Band of 5 with Like Like.
    It's not difficult killing a named mob and clearing the area where they spawn. It's just a major time sink. If you want to make it...