Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Prometheus

  1. Prometheus

    DPS'n advice

    I have a strong suspicion the dummies do not have representative evade/glance of actual mobs. So the point that hit negates negative and replaces with better connections probably makes it a lot better than the dummy calc shows.
  2. Prometheus

    Weaponsmithing tiers

    If you have the mats to make it you can look at the tooltip of the preview.
  3. Prometheus

    Basic guide to crafting and professions, please?

    You aren't too low level for global. You are just getting the "you don't have permission" message because /g is guild. Global is /gl
  4. Prometheus

    Reagent Drops

    Raccoons drop skin for Warlord. Our spec quest recommends them directly.