Embers Adrift

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Recent content by pistkitty

  1. pistkitty

    How to improve: Lack of class personality/fantasy

    I'm fully of the belief that the developers stubborn refusal to make any adjustments whatsoever that deviate from their "Vision"(tm) is why this game is failing to get any traction outside of a tiny rabid fanbase, and will never improve beyond that, but that's another post entirely. I actually...
  2. pistkitty

    How to improve: Lack of class personality/fantasy

    How many of these "I want to see X" threads are we going to see until people figure out that the devs and their mouthpieces saying "we don't care what you want, we're not doing that" might just perhaps mean, exactly that.
  3. pistkitty

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    Severely limiting access to the game to those who do not pay extra in a buy-to-play model is extremely scummy, and insulting to the player base. EA pulled this crap with SWTOR when they went FTP, and you don't even have that excuse. Did not like it then, do not like it now. Was happy to pay a...
  4. pistkitty


    It's useless solo, and a waste of the 4th slot, agreed. Tangentially related, there is absolutely no logic behind the decision to bar supporters from using shields. More choices is always better than fewer.