Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Padre Adamo

  1. Padre Adamo

    Worried about the Linux client.

    I'm always happy to help in any capacity I can. You can find me in the Discord as well with the same name. -Padre
  2. Padre Adamo

    Worried about the Linux client.

    I did a test with performant and potato presets... they seem to drop performance drastically from the preset. It's very odd behavior..
  3. Padre Adamo

    Worried about the Linux client.

    Happily. I use AMD Ryzen CPU and AMD Gpu on Opensuse with Lutris Default video settings about ongoing of 35 fps. Is it great or ideal? No. It's a slow paced game I don't need 144 fps. Besides, I thought the goal of the FPS was around 40 at launch? I could have sworn I read that somewhere. I...
  4. Padre Adamo

    Worried about the Linux client.

    I play using Lutris and performance is perfectly fine. Obviously, I would love a native client but it is what it is.
  5. Padre Adamo

    What are you playing currently?

    Sea of Thieves with my playgroup and teaching my daughter how to play some CCGs that I loved like Warlord. Desperately waiting for the next Guild Wars 2 expansion, should be soon and Embers Adrift!