Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Mithanelan

  1. Mithanelan

    No housing assumptions

    Housing would be nice, but I get that there isn't room for it right now. Perhaps in the future?
  2. Mithanelan

    My MMO Tier List (please add yours as well)

    May as well throw in my 2 cents. I've been around in quite a few MMOs, and have my preferences that border mismatched for everyone else, but work for me. There's also a few I am still waiting on a playable release, one of them is Pantheon-one day it will release for me to play, I'm sure of it ;)...
  3. Mithanelan

    Feedback Game - List your 3 favourite things and 3 most disliked things about the game

    Reason to start playing Embers Adrift Started playing because of another player who suggested it to me I love social/community centered games that give the illusion of inclusion for solo players Mainstream games usually have an end to them, and don't incorporate old game styles for world and...