Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Lunamagic

  1. Lunamagic

    Dungeons how to improve them

    Typical response from someone who doesn't have a good argument on why implementing these ideas are bad. Please explain why implementing simple game mechanics automatically makes this a WoW clone but yet, old school mmo's had some of these?
  2. Lunamagic

    Dungeons how to improve them

    I like your ideas of static bosses and there's a chance that the good gear will drop consistently across all bosses. Even if they want unique boss loot between the bosses, they should still be static. If the worry is if the bosses will camped then the dungeons should be instanced. I agree...
  3. Lunamagic

    Class System Needs Improvement

    This is not just about my personal preferences. Some of these ideas are not fully mine either. You can read about these same issues I have brought up above on gaming forums, reddit, discord, and EA forums. This is not news. If a reoccurring issue is consistently being brought to your attention...
  4. Lunamagic

    Class System Needs Improvement

    1000% this comment. From DAOC, what about chained attacks as well? That would be definitely add a strategic element and lessen the monotony of using the same skill repeatedly. You have to make each class abilities feel good. As a Warlord, I have abilities on my bar that I have no idea are being...
  5. Lunamagic

    Class System Needs Improvement

    What exactly is the vision and the core experience you are trying to offer? I don't think the majority of the player base knows what this is. I feel this would help if we knew what this was so suggestions could be directed to this. I understand that you have full right as to the direction as to...