Embers Adrift

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Recent content by lordwok

  1. L

    PSA to the community about the "Tank Tax"

    I play a marshal and this entire concept is a non issue, human type mob start dropping coin itself and basic nonsense items like gloves etc sell for enough to cover costs. barter is still a large part of the economy at middling level, noone wants coin and you have to offer tens of golds to make...
  2. L

    QA February 2023

    it feels like this and more have been in the pipeline for some time though doesnt it?
  3. L

    Is there a mandrake Tea recipe Dev please respond

    Meadows North mandrake spawn.
  4. L

    Is there a mandrake Tea recipe Dev please respond

    Today i got 3 mandake recipes in 20mins, cloth, bow string and thread. Then farmed another entire cycle and got 0