Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Kitsyn

  1. Kitsyn

    October 20th; what's new?

    Thanks for the explanation. I had no idea these things were happening. I guess I lead a sheltered life! I most often have to switch instances after going out of Newhaven City. The ember rings aren't terribly far, but inconvenient if I want to run directly right or left instead of to a...
  2. Kitsyn

    October 20th; what's new?

    I understand, but this becomes a problem when the new rule about having to go to an ember ring is applied. Group members get split off every time we zone, whether into a city or dungeon, and there's not always an ember ring handy. I'm not sure what big issue this new rule was supposed to...
  3. Kitsyn

    October 20th; what's new?

    Wow, that's a lot. One comment. If we have to go to an ember ring to switch instance, can you please add some code to let us stay in the same instance as our group members when we zone? Every time I pass through the city, I have to switch instance. Thanks.