Embers Adrift

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Recent content by KapyongQ

  1. K

    34+ books very hard to find

    Well, spent most of Thursday in game (and Wednesday and Friday and Saturday) - didn't see you. Scores of hours in Shrieking Barrows - no book for me. Killed Echo couple dozen times - no book. Looted dozens of chests there - no book. Hunted many hours in Redshore Ridge - have not seen one...
  2. K

    34+ books very hard to find

    "You could of course leave it on the body and hope someone could loot it before the body desepear but that may be difficult." Yah, that's what I had in mind - happens in old EQ with valuable No Trade Quillmane's cloak, the call goes out across the whole server to sell the loot rights, but the...
  3. K

    34+ books very hard to find

    Super, thanks :) Thursday should be good ...
  4. K

    34+ books very hard to find

    Another question about the No Trade for these books - If I kill an enemy and see it has a book that is not my class, could I leave it there and shout out for anyone nearby who wants to claim it ? Does that work ? How long does it last ?
  5. K

    34+ books very hard to find

    Ah thanks, I'll follow up those clues :) And thanks Elloa, it was your group I saw in the Shriek EV :) I'll keep an eye out ...
  6. K

    34+ books very hard to find

    But that's the problem - groups at 34 ish are almost impossible to find - seen ONE in nearly a month (but full.)
  7. K

    34+ books very hard to find

    Gday all, Reached level 34, now hunting my first drop-only ability book. But not having any luck - been hunting mostly in Grimstone and Shriek Barrows EV for weeks - lotsa solo, a couple duos/trios, and once I saw a full group in there. (Population typically 5-50 or so when I play, lucky to...
  8. K

    Embers Adrift turns into a mostly solo RPG at lvl 30

    Gday all, Yup, I've just reached the 30s, and groups are not easy to find. (Unfortunately Crank, I'm currently on a different time zone to you, but I run a 23-hour day here, so maybe I'll be catching up with you later.) Over the levels this hasn't been much of an issue for me generally, as I...
  9. K

    Camera will not stop spinning

    Hmmm, I've seen that caused by joystick plugged in ?
  10. K

    where is everyone

    Where ? Dryfoot and Meadowlands, even High Pass Hills. More in the 10s and 20s now it seems, after the recent opening of free trial. Starting zone is hardly swamped, but looks like newbies arriving each day. I find there are things to do without a group, and I keep an ear out for opportunities...
  11. K

    FIXED Known recipes not forgotten

    Yes, I learned certain recipes, forgot the craft, later RE-learned the craft - and found I still had the recipes. Not a bug, that's a feature ! (I hope :)
  12. K

    QA April 5th, 2024

    Not convinced this compression is the right way to go. Can see some benefits - but it will annoy some players, and won't really attract new ones, (and there's always unexpected problems.) You have a solid foundation here and it's growing nicely, if perhaps slower than hoped for. I'd keep on...