Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Jaddek

  1. J

    The New Player Experience Needs Attention

    I haven't encountered anyone grouping for Mischa, etc., although I have only been playing for just over a week. Finding the named mobs isn't a problem and I generally see then as I pass by at least once a session, but there aren't enough people in Newhaven to even make a group most of the time...
  2. J

    The Big Flaw

    I fervently hope the game flourishes as I do enjoy a game where levels aren't just given away for no effort, just to please the instant gratification crowd. I'll keep playing and look forward to the future.
  3. J

    Steam Access

    Why split purchase money with a third party if you don't need to. It's easily purchased from here anyway so you don't need Steam, Epic, whatever.
  4. J

    The Big Flaw

    Oh true, but this game doesn't have a metaphorical million players and, using the aforementioned 3 approx lvl 5 players that were in the newbie zone, no amount of initiative on their part is going to help them at all.
  5. J

    The Big Flaw

    It all sounds very disappointing. I have managed to solo a character to lvl 10 but I was really wanting to enjoy the oft-mentioned grouping with other players, but Chat is pretty much silent. I checked about an hour ago and in Newhaven there were 3 players with roughly lvl 5 characters (give...
  6. J

    The Big Flaw

    I've played the game for a week, out of curiosity, and the most apparent thing I noticed from the outset is the old problem that having a group-orientated game is all well and good as long as there's a big enough player base. At most I have seen a total of just over 40 to 50 people in Instance...