Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Jacksondog88

  1. J


    I agree but I don't think it makes sense as a weight restriction slot by slot. I think it makes more sense to do it as an entire capacity. Walking 80 percent slower by wearing one slotted piece of gear is basically not walking. And to be clear in my case I am referring to the first leather chest...
  2. J


    Yeah and thematically it doesn't make a lot of sense either. Like you're this adventurer who made it through the darklands and you are strong enough to pull back a bow and swing a great axe but as soon as you put on a leather jacket you can't walk? Not the best.
  3. J


    Yeah, bad system.
  4. J


    Any game I have ever played allows the player to wear a full set of base material armor, especially armor that you craft for yourself at low levels. I don't know what games you are playing.