Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Eangarra

  1. Eangarra

    Missive or Repeatable task

    Mostly to supplement low level content, at least in my opinion. I mean sure that benefits folks with alts too but I am thinking about this purely from a new player standpoint. This weekend I will try to hop in and get some testing done to see how it is now since it has been a bit since I tested...
  2. Eangarra

    Missive or Repeatable task

    I completely agree I hate shallow checklist slaughter quests. Which is why I mentioned that style of quest above. Again these styles of quests would be for low level. like 1-5 or so. Gives people something extra for killing the same mobs. I would hate to see too many of the quests like kill rats...
  3. Eangarra

    Missive or Repeatable task

    I could get behind some simple task that offers a little additional XP. Maybe do not make it an obvious quest marker or anything just something that comes up naturally in a conversation with an NPC. For instance in classic EQ in Rivervale there was a quest where you ran stew to a guard in the...