Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Denley

  1. D

    Healer aggro

    1. Try to have the puller, pull further. Often, on a 3 pull, 2 will stop following if the puller can get enough distance. (double or triple your current pull distance) 2. Fearing the second mob helps for 6-8 seconds, until the first mob is killed. (sometimes you can get a second fear off)...
  2. D

    Eye Strain

    Yes, exposure was at a minimum. It had more to do with the length of night, constantly moving/panning, dryfoot being a large zone to cover, and looking for something that is hard to find even in the daylight.
  3. D

    Eye Strain

    I found this weekend I had to log off secondary to increased eye strain. This occurred when playing at night in Dryfoot looking for ore, copper mainly. With the season being winter it felt like real time 60 minutes of darkness for every 30 minutes of light. After a while, I would just started...
  4. D

    Mob pathing near zone border

    Yesterday zoning from North to Meadowlands there was a 3 chevon bear right at the spot of zoning into Meadowlands. Not sure if this is the usual path set for the bear or if it was chasing someone who then zoned from Meadowlands into North. Sitting in North for 5 minutes and then re-zoning...
  5. D


    Hi, Enjoying the game. Please keep up the good work. I have two software observation issues and 1 game design question. 1. The other day three of us were in Meadowlands at daybreak. Two of us had dawn on the screen. The third still had night. To the point that the two that had dawn still...