Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Decimation

  1. Decimation

    December 6th; what's new?

    Been calling out for more content in the other zones for a month now...Now its gonna be we need more solo or small group content because the community is shrinking to an unhealthy size.
  2. Decimation

    November 29th; what's new?

    Great additions loving it...Might I suggest some additions of camps in the lower level zones in the vast emptiness of Meadowlands for example. Wouldn't imagine it would be that difficult to add a few more of the higher level bunny camps, a few more wolf caves. Just some examples, as there are...
  3. Decimation

    November 3rd; what's new?

    Repair costs need to be different for plate vs cloth etc. A tank in plate acquires a far larger value due to being beat on constantly...or reduce the amount of durability loss on plate vs other items
  4. Decimation

    BETA TEST October 5th; what's new?

    What was done with experience? It appears that all mobs give the same amount of experience, in regards to a single, double or triple chevron.
  5. Decimation

    Embers Adrift Launch Announcement

    I cannot be the only one concerned with the launch date being so near and the current state of the game.