Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Clamdigger

  1. Clamdigger

    Embers Adrift Launch Announcement

    There are multiple dungeons now from what I understand, and a good handful of quests. I think its enough for a launch and I cant wait. As long as they continue to improve and add content, it should all work out. This isnt like WoW where you level up super quick and easy, so more time will be...
  2. Clamdigger

    Embers Adrift Launch Announcement

    Its been a while since I got hyped up about a MMORPG, I cant wait for launch. Good work to all the Embers Adrift team!
  3. Clamdigger

    Feedback about an unfinished game

    AMAZING idea for setting up a camp at night that you can do some basic crafting such as simple cooking, make basic ammo etc. The bolts and arrows you make at camp, would only need materials you can directly gather such as wood and flax plants. That ammo could be better than starter ammo, but not...
  4. Clamdigger

    Feedback First Day Feedback

    ===UPDATED, added more that I should have the first time, but sorry for wall of text old man grumbling=== @Soulchaser I agree on most all your points, but as far as how the game runs it has always run great for me even on higher settings and I dont mind the slower paced combat. Embers Adrift is...