Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Biaxil

  1. B

    Discussion on speed of progression

    I've just seen it happen to so many games that I liked. What's ironic is that those that love to flame on the boards even quit anyway, if there complaints get met. Some people like to hop from game to game and complain, even when the game that they are complaining about wasn't meant for them...
  2. B

    Discussion on speed of progression

    Please NO! His thread is one big QQ post to trivialize things in the game and make them like lots of other drivel on the market. There are plenty of other games on the market that can fit his wants. Don't give in to those kinds of players that are here for all the wrong reasons. Realize...
  3. B

    Fear as CC Question.

    What I was getting at, is that in most games it is not the kind of spell to use in a dungeon. It's an outdoor ability for kiting mostly.
  4. B

    Fear as CC Question.

    There's nothing wrong with having that ability; just have to know when to use it.
  5. B

    Discussion on speed of progression

    Sorry, but this is everything that is wrong with the newer mentality of gamers. I can't imagine thinking that expecting to get to max level in a few weeks is virtuous by any stretch of the imagination. Devs please do not cater to this nonsense. These kinds of players want instant...
  6. B

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I agree. Would make no sense otherwise.
  7. B

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    Do whatever you have to, to keep microtransactions out of this game. It's the biggest bane to fair play. I personally find subscriptions the best way to go.
  8. B

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    What they are doing for non subscribers is beyond generous. I can't believe some people are actually complaining about it. I will be subbing simply because this will be my go to mmo for the foreseeable future, and it will be the only sub I'll be paying for. If you're paying for more then...