Embers Adrift

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Recent content by belarios

  1. B

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    The new version runs. It's not smooth though. Oddly I'm showing about the same 50fps on potato as using wine, but not smooth. Didn't play long enough to see if the memory leak was still there.
  2. B

    QA August 2023

    OK, fine. Knight will be top mitigation and Jugg will be top dps with the best defensive CD and Marshal will be mediocre at both with the worst CD but have crowd control. But why is Brigand going to be top dps and also crowd control? Berserker is now the Sentinel of strikers? The offtank that...
  3. B

    RatongaTV : Embers Adrifts Twitch and Youtube content creator

    Is there an interesting story behind this person disappearing from the internet?
  4. B

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    I used the linux client for several hours today. Performance was fine, but ram use kept climbing until a crash. Possible memory leak.
  5. B

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    I found out what was causing my performance and memory problems. I use arch linux and the gnome desktop in wayland mode. With wine/proton the game runs fine on my wayland desktop using Xwayland. (wine is starting to merge some wayland support this year, but it cannot yet be enabled). But...
  6. B

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    I fired it up. It worked. Performance and memory use is worse than under wine/proton. Unplayable in treed areas with my old RX580. Is this something you really want to spend your time on? Let me know what info you want.
  7. B

    Worried about the Linux client.

    Cool beans!
  8. B

    Linux Version

    The game runs fine for me under wine/proton with an amd card. I use Arch.
  9. B

    Ultimate Duelist Guide

    Stamina has a direct effect on dps for supporters. So warlord might have the most dps of supporters. But it's tough to tell without being able to export a test dummy log. And I assume we're talking about soloing. I don't think there's any question that a warlord adds more dps output to a group.
  10. B

    Ultimate Duelist Guide

    I think it is funny that people still talk about duelist dps and duelist soloing when the level 45 duelist says several times that duelist dps is terrible, don't do it, don't equip for it, just forget it. The one area that they talk about soloing is stumbling upon the occasional named 3 chev...
  11. B

    Ultimate Duelist Guide

    Amazing. Thank you.
  12. B

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Yes. This needs an official reply. @Elloa
  13. B

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    The store page of the website does show $9.99 now. What country are you in? I know that exchange rates and taxes make the sub change a lot. Good news if they have reduced the sub to $9.99 for everyone. It should attract some more players.
  14. B

    Spec Change Pro Cons

    If anyone has switched since the patch, please let us know if it seems noticeably easier to catch up. We're all very curious about how much of a change was made. Or the devs could just tell us...
  15. B

    Worried about the Linux client.

    I am using Arch Linux. I don't use Lutris, PlayonLinux, Steam or any launcher except a small custom script. Basically you need wine and dxvk to get the game running on linux. I have found that using the vanilla wine or valve proton causes mouse problems. The solution is to use one of the...