Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Atron

  1. A

    LIVE March 28th; what's new?

    Thank you. If that is true and any red mob gives as much experience as a yellow one, this system makes sense.
  2. A

    LIVE March 28th; what's new?

    I think you are wrong or maybe we don't understand each other. I have a friend who joined our team about a month ago. We play together every evening, so we have to choose mobs with yellow chevrons (or lower) for him, without using any GEL system. What is the purpose of this new system if we...
  3. A

    LIVE March 28th; what's new?

    "Form groups with a larger range of player levels" is a good intention. But it seems to me that the whole system is designed for only one particular situation: low-level character joins a group of high-level characters. If this group going to the place where monsters are yellow/white/blue or...
  4. A

    Discussion on speed of progression

    Thanks for the good question. Does XP-speed matter to me? Absolutely. The rate at wich I gain expirience determines how important each of weapon properties will be for me. How important will be next loot which has only +1 to one of the 5-6 characteristics compared to my current piece of armor...
  5. A

    Screenshot Contest - Halloween 2022

    We put on a Holy Trinity costume to meet the Halloween.