Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Undone

    Hot Fix May 14th

    Fixed an issue where player armor class could not exceed 1000. Fixed a color issue with female Scale Greaves and Wrists. Fixed an issue where returning non-subscription players (those who have not logged in since the start of our extended free trial) were not able to receive mail because the...
  2. Undone

    Hot Fix May 7th

    Reduced the number of Basilisk scales required for the Ballad of the Merry Five quest from 6 to 3. Fixed a few misc. exceptions We are investigating an issue where some players are getting stuck at 95% "Requesting Character". If this happens we suggest restarting the entire client (don't just...
  3. Undone

    LIVE April 30th; what's new?

    This month's patch introduces the Mail system, adds a number of Map improvements and More! Also included at no additional charge: five new quests, Travel Essence, and a slew of misc. updates and performance improvements! Tech Fixed an issue causing some audio clips to be loaded into memory...
  4. Undone

    QA April 25th

    Fixed an issue with teleporting to a monolith on a different overland map (not world map) Dialogue updates for Galinomen Added mailboxes to overland scenes.
  5. Undone

    QA April 24th

    Fixed an issue with map discoveries not uncovering if the map was open Fixed a typo in teleport confirmation Recipes no longer show as being "known" if the player no longer has the appropriate profession and had previously known the recipe Added a button to tutorial popups which opens the...
  6. Undone

    QA April 23rd

    Map Updates: World map added (includes Monoliths as POIs) Right click will now back out to the world map when a zone map is loaded. Maps are now loaded in a more memory efficient way. Zone lines can now be clicked to load the appropriate map if that zone has been discovered. While near a...
  7. Undone

    QA April 11th

    Adjusted early level XP curve (more kills required but smoothed it out a bit) Fixed stuck spots in Newhaven Valley, Newhaven City, Dryfoot, and Grizzled Peaks Clicking on zone line poi icons on the map now load the map. Moved map dropdown to the center of the title bar Improved the accuracy of...
  8. Undone

    QA April 10th

    Adjust Redshore Ridgeback task to only require 5 ridgebacks in addition to 10 crocs Do not allow splitting of stacks within the mail outgoing container. Mail fixes (name issues). Known issues: You cannot start your specialization quest until level 6 Level potions/chests/etc in the QA zone...
  9. Undone

    QA April 6th, 2024

    Adjust map dropdown so that scrolling is no longer required even if all maps are discovered Fixed an issue where Ember Ring teleport buttons were not present if you selected a different map while at a monolith and then changed back to the current map. Properly migrating level up potions in the...
  10. Undone

    QA April 5th, 2024

    Characters have been migrated from live to QA as of April 4rd at midnight Central US time. Banners and torches near the Proving Grounds will no longer collide with the camera. Lower height of collider on Proving Grounds arena platform to better match visuals. Fixed new footstep audio...
  11. Undone

    Hot Fix April 2nd

    Fixed stuck spots in Central Veins, Ember Veins, Forgotten Depths, Aquifer, Meadowlands, Newhaven Valley, and Meadowlands. Fixed some floating props in Newhaven Valley Fixed a quest volume trigger in Forgotten Depths that was using the wrong data. This was preventing click to target from working...
  12. Undone

    LIVE March 26th; what's new?

    This month's patch includes five new solo loops, the ability to inspect other players, and custom LFG/LFM notes. That is in addition to a number of QoL improvements, bug fixes, and task updates. We had intended to launch our new mail system this month but it needs an extra few weeks for polish...
  13. Undone

    QA March 2024

    Characters have been copied to QA as of March 19th, 2024 @ 11am CDT. New Solo Loops: Spinner's Recluse Derelict Sanctuary Basilisk's Run Arkhos' Lair Cragscale Caverns Added the ability to inspect other player's equipment. Can only be requested once every 1s to avoid server spam and...
  14. Undone

    Hot Fix March 5th

    Fixed some NPC navigation issues in Grimstone Canyon Fixed some prop issues in Newhaven Valley & Newhaven City Fixed Sentinel's Alchemy II Resuscitate not healing all health (for real this time). Fixed UI issue with the LFG level range inputs not being behind blocking panels Fixed a client side...
  15. Undone

    LIVE February 27th; what's new?

    This month's patch includes the tech required for our free trial, a new solo loop, and item categorization! Additional quality of life improvements include a lock toggle on self/offensive/defensive nameplates (via context menu), a lock button on chat windows, and numerous improvements to NPC...
  16. Undone

    QA February 23rd

    Fixed some issues with trial chat permissions. Fixed a bug with the red distance/angle overlay on abilities not going away when weapons were put away. Added new overhead VFX for stun, daze, lull, confusion, and enrage. Added a search field on the merchant UI.
  17. Undone

    QA February 22nd

    LOD adjustments to some props More back end trial work. New /help chat channel. This will be the only global channel that trial players can use. They will be able to see /world and /trade but cannot use them. Added an overlay to abilities that turns red when you are out of range or not facing...
  18. Undone

    QA February 20th

    Common items are now shown as Basic When holding the alt key while a tooltip is active over an item all power progression categories will be shown for reference. 0 chevron ants from ant hills will now be titled as "Swarming" to avoid confusion for bulletin board tasks. Cannot execute overlay on...
  19. Undone

    QA February 16th

    Item confirmation dialog now colors the item name appropriately Augment confirmation dialog now uses the item confirmation dialog Toxic Shot from frogs and terradiles now scale with npc level Primary & Secondary weapon backgrounds on your equipment page now color themselves red if you weapons...
  20. Undone

    QA February 15th

    Item categorization added to most items. We're still working through this, but most of the functionality should be in. Item border colors, name colors, etc should help you better compare items of a similar level. Buff/Debuff frame is now colored based on if it is a buff (blue) or debuff (red)...