Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Elloa

  1. Elloa

    Weekly Community Show - a show for you on Twitch & Youtube

    - Hot Fix - Topic of the Week: State of the Game + QA - Community News
  2. Elloa

    34+ books very hard to find

    No, you really need to be the one looting it. So if you want to be a considerate player, you can try to leave the placeholder for the other roles, so they can kill it themselves. Once it's looted it soulbound. You could of course leave it on the body and hope someone could loot it before the...
  3. Elloa

    34+ books very hard to find

    The books are actually not very rare at all, and drop really easily once you know the place holder and you hunt in group.
  4. Elloa

    Brainstorming ideas - QUESTS LOCATIONS

    Dear Community, Let's speak about QUESTS LOCATIONS. In which area, which zone do you think quests are missing? Where would you love to see another quest taking part? Is tehre any remote location that are really cool to visit, but there is actually nothing interesting to do? I have been asking...
  5. Elloa

    Merry Band of 5

    RELATED TO FIGHTING MECHANICS We absolutely agree with that. But harder fighting mechanics, requiere new tech to be developed. Which is something we are working on. New fighting tech has already been released since we launched, and we are working on more tech that you will discover in encounters...
  6. Elloa

    Weekly Community Show - a show for you on Twitch & Youtube

    With @AntrixZ - Patch Notes - Topic of the Week: new content - Community news - Weekly Game
  7. Elloa

    Forgot Password...

    You need to change your IN GAME password via the forums. I hope it helps
  8. Elloa

    Merry Band of 5

    It's a long chain quest that requiere you to work for it. The "difficulty" is intended As always Quests are optional. If it causes you frustration, then it may be better to not pursue the quest. This is very much the reason we do not want to add XP to quests. So quests are something you embark...
  9. Elloa

    Brainstorming ideas - TRADE SYSTEM

    Thank to everyone who are participating to this conversation so far!
  10. Elloa

    Brainstorming ideas - TRADE SYSTEM

    Dear Community, With the APRIL PATCH 2024, we introduced our MAIL system. You can now send mail to your friends, including attachment and cash on delivery, which should ease trading between players. This is our first step to a possible TRADE SYSTEM, such as auction house / job board / bazaar /...
  11. Elloa

    LIVE April 30th; what's new?

    The backpack has already been increased several time already, we added a crafting bag (and increased it size), so I think we can safely say that it will not be upgraded anytime soon. Inventory is a tricky subject, no matter how much space you add it is never enough, and will never be enough...
  12. Elloa

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    The way it works: you tag a mob, this mob belong to you. Someone else can not "steal" your mob by for example, doing more damage. If you did damage to the mob, this mob belong to you. Someone killing it for you after should not change anything else. So here, I'm not really sure what kind of...
  13. Elloa

    LIVE April 30th; what's new?

    Beside the possible risk of having spammer (though unlikely in our community), we also want the trials to have a genuine experience of what the game is, and not "being boosted" by friends. The trial is to try the game and have a good overview ofwhat the experience is, with no bias. This is not...
  14. Elloa

    where is everyone

    Heya! Thank you for your kind words! If you have the occasion, before to make your final decision, try to group up with other playersas the game truly shine once playing in group (not guaranteed you will like it, but the game has been created arround that idea) To find other players as trial you...