Embers Adrift

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csthao's latest activity

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    csthao replied to the thread Class System Needs Improvement.
    I also feel like epic quests is a bad decision. It's a waste of resources to implement because you already have skull bosses that covers...
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    Named mobs in open world could use some sort of tweak. As Keiban has stated, most zones have minimal things thats just there for the...
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    csthao replied to the thread Merry Band of 5.
    It's not difficult killing a named mob and clearing the area where they spawn. It's just a major time sink. If you want to make it...
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    csthao replied to the thread Merry Band of 5.
    This is exactly the same reason why they changed the ancient bear kill quest in the cave in New Haven Valley. People are "competing" or...
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    One thing I wanna say is, No Time to Die only works in combat mode, so if you sheath your weapons it's void. Combat movement helps in...
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    csthao replied to the thread QA April 23rd.
    Is there a cap to how much TE can be stored?
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    Wait until your reach level 30 on your zerker, that's when they really shine.
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    csthao replied to the thread QA April 5th, 2024.
    The reason people choose Free Hold over FD2 is because it's too big with no butt hole (exit hatch) and harder to access. Clear through...
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    csthao replied to the thread Hot Fix April 2nd.
    Alchemy 1 or 2 Chaotic Strike = 1 hit killer! What!
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    csthao replied to the thread where is everyone.
    You've missed the train! When they opened up the free trial there was a lot of new comers. Pretty much everyone is passed the starting...
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    csthao reacted to AdricLives's post in the thread LIVE March 26th; what's new? with Like Like.
    OK, yea there was a spot in RR where wild spawns could camp out a respawn. Let me know if you run into that again. Stalkers should move...
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    csthao replied to the thread LIVE March 26th; what's new?.
    Before. It was about a month ago.
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    csthao replied to the thread LIVE March 26th; what's new?.
    It's going to be so much fun seeing people die from the stalkers when they go afk. One thing to keep in mind...I was in a death loop in...
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    csthao replied to the thread Drive-By Buffing.
    This game doesn't have long lasting buffs unfortunately.
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    csthao replied to the thread Little Blue Floating Creature.
    Once you reach level 10, there's an NPC that gives you a quest. The end result is you get an ember stone. You have to kill ashen mobs to...